A while back, I posted about a
craft night that my friend, Kristen, and I held at her place. While I was not really busy making a wreath, my friend was hard at work crafting what seemed like a gazillion adorable felt and fabric flowers to make pins and hair accessories to be gifted at Christmas. There's no doubt that her gift recipients were stoked to see the goodies that Kristen handmade for them!
While at her place last week (uh, I go there a lot - we drink wine and sometimes get creative), she casually gave me an adorable and handmade hair band for my daughter. It was so cute that I put it on right away - it's awesome! I'd love to show you all the things that my talented friend makes, but I'll wait until she starts up her online shop (open an online shop, Kristen!). Anyway, since I have this hair band at my place, I'll give you a peek ...
Made with ribbon, elastic, a sweet herringbone fabric, feather, and a button. |
Looks cute on my little girl, but I like to wear it, too :) |
Thanks, Kristen. Maybe it'll benefit my shaggy-haired son, too ...
Haha, you're welcome! Maybe I'll make a more boy-ish one for the little dude :)
Loves it! Great job, Kristen! :-)
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